Friday, October 06, 2006

Yesterday was another day filled with ups....and downs....

Sally started the day, following a full night of rest without pain, and enjoyed orange juice, coffee, and scrambled eggs. Her sense of humor remained as she announced with a grimace on her face, "Hospital food!"

The nurses got her out of bed and had her sit in a chair, however, the dizziness she experienced required that she return to her bed. Shortly after, the Priest from the St. Rosa Parish arrived and they talked and prayed for 10 minutes. Sally was overjoyed that the Priest had arrived. The hospital church mass, which is a live cast in the hospital rooms began, and Sally participated with speaking the prayers, singing the songs, and raising her hands in praise. She was able to take communion...and after the church service, received guests to her room--her two sisters and brother-in-law arrived. After about 1 1/2 hours, she went back to sleep with a smile on her face.

However, it seems that the natural progression of depression has set in. By last evening, Sally had refused to eat her dinner, and was repeatedly asking her family to withhold any medications that were keeping her alive. This includes the diaretic (which is addressing the issue of fluid build-up in her lungs) and of course, the heart medication. Currently, the Doctor has said that her heart is functioning at 50%.

After a phone call to brother-surgeon Bob--we discovered that if we stop the diaretics, blood thinner, and oxygen, she will suffer pulminary edima--and will suffer 3-4 days of a horrible death. For several hours, Sally told her family and the nurses she did not want any more help to live. This, apparently, is a normal reaction experienced by many cardiac care patients. After several days, patients begin to realize the seriousness of their condition....and depression, anger, and surrender sets in. Hopefully, if this continues, a Psychologist will speak with Sally and perhaps there is some medication that can be ordered to help her through this temporary, but usual, phase.

Please pray that Sally's emotional state will settle--she has always been such an independent, active, Senior Citizen....and this cardiac event is so huge that she is struggling dealing with the after effect. Please don't misunderstand...she is not whining, complaining, or pouting. She simply states....she has had a blessed life....and would like to die--

After a quick consultation with Bob--he informed us this is completely a natural progression and the response from the hospital will be to record her state of mind, monitor, and continue care for 3 to 4 days. IF, after that, she remains determined, they will order a Psychological determine her state of mind. So, while the family is determined to respect Sally's wishes (which have been recorded in her living will)--this is still a deeply emotional roller coaster ride for them....and for Sally.

She is a strong woman--and has met every hurdle so far. May this be another hurdle crossed!

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