Sunday, October 08, 2006

Today was the best day Sally has had since last Monday. Because her heart medication was affecting her kidney's, the Dr.'s took her off the heart medication on Saturday and did not move her to Telemetry until today. Her hair was washed (with a nifty shower cap that had water, shampoo, conditioner in it) and combed, whereby Sally felt wonderful. She watched the live-broadcast of the Hospital Mass at 10:30 a.m., participated to the fullest, and then stayed awake for nearly an hour and a half. After a sound nap, she was moved to Telemetry--(we think the hospital staff waited until the Vikings squeaked through to a win!!!! at the same time!)....and she is now settled comfortably in her new room. Telemetry is a step out of the hospital--still part of the Heart Center.

She instructed the new nursing staff that she did not want any heroic efforts to save her should she have another attack. While the family discussed this with her earlier this week....she had not remembered and an hour long discussion occurred discussing other heart events...such as congestive heart failure (which she has been experiencing since her massive heart event--fluid build up on the lungs). It was decided and agreed by Sally--that the only time they would not assist her is if she has another heart attack. She agreed to assistance for any other complication (blood clots, pulminary edima, etc.)

This has been a very trying time for Sally--and for the all the Viere's. Jack is planning on returning to Dallas on Wednesday--Lu and Simone have to take their RV out of the Campground as all Campgrounds close for the winter on Wednesday. Marilyn, who has been staying at the hospital every day and night since the heart attack has returned to her home for a much needed break from the tension. We all will continue to be with Sally during the days....she will begin receiving Cardiac rehab today. For starters, this means she will be walked 3-4 times each day. Yesterday, she was sitting up unattended! And she stayed awake for a couple of hours after she was moved.....fell asleep at 6:00 p.m. for the evening.

Her appetite has not returned, and she is a little grumpy about her food choices. After 83 years of eating fine German cuisine...she is less than interested in her menu selection. She has also been the family matriarch for many years....the family has run efficiently according to her wishes for so long that she is having trouble adjusting to the lack of control! Who wouldn't.

It's interesting, after only five days of dismal is hard to believe this is a step up and out! However, her joy when the Priest comes in the room is real! The hospital chaplan arrived this afternoon at 4:00 p.m., turns out he grew up in Freeport! They knew some of the same people, he knew her Priest in St. Rosa, and they had a very nice conversation and we all circled in prayer before he left.

We are grateful for the progress she is making. We will not know for certain the end result of her heart.....for 6 to 8 weeks.....we are grateful that she is making some progress.

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