Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Calm the storm

Thank you for all your continued prayers and words of encouragement for my mother-in-law. She continues to be in the Heart Center and is struggling with complications each day. There are the high moments, there are the low moments.

We continue to stay by her bedside night and day; this phase of her hoped- for-recovery is exhausting. I have realized through this process the reality of the mind-numbing deception of control we seek. Each day we practice responsible living whereby, we expect a predicatable outcome. Still, as the impending death of a dearly loved one is looming--we have no control. We want the medical treatments to work, we expect miracles from new technology, we anticipate a quick resolve to our desperate need. And each day, we are reminded, that although we may desire a rapid solution--the truth remains--we do not have control over such things. It is only when we seek God in the midst of this struggle that we find peace.

I cannot tell you how comforting my MIL's faith.....blended with our own.....has been to our aching souls. For a Christian, the foundational belief that this life is not the end; it is a prelude to eternal life. For a Christian, even when we struggle, we believe that God will use our weakness for His purpose and glory. We have seen this miracle in action each day of this trial.

Blod clots, pulminary edima, internal bleeding, damaged heart muscle: each an assault to the heart and body. Yet, our faith holds strong to the belief that we have a conqueror who fights alongside our battle: Jesus Christ. We may become weary in the battle, but the real battle has already been won. This knowledge takes the spin out of our roller-coaster ride; like the disciples who entered the boat with Jesus and a storm arose. Awakening Jesus, they pleaded, "Master, aren't you afraid, a storm has arrived." Jesus rose, rebuked the squall,and calmed the storm (Luke 8: 22-24). This is our prayer for our mother: Jesus, please calm this storm.

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